Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back To School; Organizing Edition

Yes, it's 'the most wonderful time of the year' again (thank you Staples for that connotation), bringing with it the cries of schoolgirls and boys in the 10 cent paper aisle of Target, the mournful teenagers relishing their final days of nocturnal routine, and the ever-present question - where has the summer gone? Now, I can't answer that question for you, but I hope that you had a great time 'losing the summer'. I am very grateful for everything that happened to me this wonderful season, from traveling to my 15th birthday. I don't know about you, but I have mixed feelings about back to school. Of course, I don't want the summer fun to end, but I am seriously thinking that any more of my Netflix and chocolate days might be lethal. I enjoy school, and I love working hard, whether on projects, helping others, sports, or finding the perfect matching bottoms for my gorgeous new top. 

Since this is the case, I think I am about ready to get back into the somehow soothing hecticity (not a word, I am aware) of school life. So, I thought that I might make the hecticity of your school life a little bit calmer. I have thought up some tips to incorporate into your room. Your room? Why? You may ask. Well, if you wake up in your room in the morning, that means its where you start your day. By starting your day with a room full of some of my tips, it might de-hectify (yup, I know) your life a bit more, which is always a useful thing.

Tip #1: Make A Moodboard!

I used a photo frame I found in my house with a back made of glass to make this moodboard, but it doesn't matter what you use. I cut out magazine clippings that A. were inspiring me at the moment, or B. just looked plain cool. I cut out scraps and pieced them together to make quotes that sometimes have two the's in them (whoopsies). I wanted to do this to brighten up my room and keep me motivated for school. If I look at this in the morning, I can start my day with a positive mind.

Tip #2: DIY Your Journals!

I don't know how to use these journals yet, but I was feeling crafty the other day and decided they needed spicing up. So, I used some scrapbook paper from my overflowing collection, added some fun details and favourite quotes, and slapped a whole load of white glue over the top to keep it together and add sheen. Being the notebook queen, I needed to make these personalized, but the question of whether I will ever use these (I'm terrible, I know) still hangs in the air. I will probably keep one in my backpack in case blogspiration strikes or if I ever come up with a genius novel idea.

Tip #3: To-Do Yourself!

from Target

I am a list maker. Packing for camp? Make a list. Shopping trip? Make a list. Homework overload? Make a list. I don't know if they help organize my life, but they sure are therapeutic. I was watching Aspyn Ovard's Get Ready With Me school edition, and she suggested making a to do list right before you leave your house, so you can remember what to do for the day. I love this idea! I think I will honestly use this tip, and I thought it was so great that I would share it with you. Thanks, Aspyn!

And so, that marks the end of this post. I hope this has given you inspiration to de-hectify your life. To end this post off, I have one quote to share with you to bring some light into the often gloomy BTS season.

"A negative mind will never give you a positive life"

Stay positive.
xoxo, G.

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