Thursday, July 31, 2014

How To Fly

I'm betting 80% of you looked at this title and gawked a little inside. How to fly?!!?!? Unfortunately, I'm not going to be sustaining those gawking faces throughout the course of this post (unless you will marvel at how extraordinary my packing tips are, which is highly doubtful). You will probably be seeing more of these How To Fly (at least one) posts, and plenty of What Comes After The Flying (aka the touristy, outfits during the trip, kind of posts) afterwards. So get ready! 

But first I have to pack, a task I find both daunting and thrilling. Does anyone else get the feeling of exhilaration while planning outfits, packing toiletries, and gathering passports and other 'adult papery things'?? At the same time, I always end up somehow putting off packing (told you, procrastinating Ph. D. right here), and why I do that I have no idea. The way I see packing is very similar to the way I see my first solo flight - daunting and thrilling. No annoying brother, and the whole unaccompanied minor perks situation = thrilling. Missing my flight, crashing in the middle of the ocean alone = daunting (I watch too much TV, okay?). I wanted to do this post because I know a fair amount of people flying this summer as well, and to organize my brain before the daunting/thrilling adventure awaiting me commences. So, lets begin!

Tip #1: Pack intelligently (luggage)

If you are planning on doing a lot of shopping in your destination, I suggest packing light. But how? I have so much trouble with this, it's sad (#firstworldproblems). But, you just have to think and pack intelligently. 
Find clothes that you know you like and wear regularly, for a start. That way you won't have flown them over the globe for nothing.
Also, pack  clothes that are versatile. T-shirt dress one day, tied into a shirt and worn with overalls the next day. One clothing item for two days, see? That way, each day your outfits will be unique but you won't have had to pay for the extra weight. 

Tip #2: Pack intelligently (carry on)

Carry on luggage is a tricky thing. Don't pack enough, and you'll be bored for hours on your flight. Pack too much and you have to carry around a two-ton bag in the airport for hours for nothing. 
For a start, you have to rationalize the amount of everything you are taking based on the length of your flight. I'd bring one or two books for a 7 hour and under flight, and two to four for anything over. Maybe load up a couple of movies onto your phone or device, but remember that your flight will likely already have TV and/or movies. And always, always buy new music!
Also, remember to pack EVERYTHING you consider valuable in your carry on. Money, laptops, phones, chargers, passports (duh), etcetera. Luggage is easily lost.

Tip #3: Moisturize!! + a Tanisha tip

Planes are filled with dry, recycled air, making your skin the opposite of what you want it to be for summer (especially if you are beaching). So make sure you are moisturizing around the clock!
My friend Tanisha reminded me about this a while back, and I asked her "oh, I've made the mistake of moisturizing in flight before - not doing it again!" (I opened a bottle of it on a plane and needless to say, plane going up = compression in bottle = not very pretty situation). But she told me that she just uses body butter - too thick to explode everywhere, and ultra hydrating. It's a win-win!!

Tip #4: Handle ear-popping like a pro!

I hate ear-popping, whether it's from going up a ski lift or from a plane taking off. So, I always keep a package of hard candies with me in the seat pocket (Jolly Ranchers or Werther's are my suggestion). Suck on it while the plane takes off and it should eliminate or decrease the annoying ear situation. I have also heard that gum works well for this, but I haven't tried. Whatever works best for you.


I cannot stress this enough. Drink water before, drink water during, and drink it afterwards. I think that lately I've been pretty dehydrated, because I have been experiencing blackouts in vision and dizziness when I stand up after lying down. Yesterday I was sitting in bed trying to fall asleep but the room wouldn't stop spinning. It took me a while to think about what could be causing it, and then I remembered that hydrating normally helps these problems for me. You don't want to spend your plane trip like this, and if I was as dehydrated on the plane as I was yesterday, it may have been way worse. So buy water after security, and ask for liquids on the plane. DON'T FORGET!! It will likely make your experience way better, even if you have to use the bathrooms more often.

 I hoped this helped with your packing and preparation if any of you are in my shoes this summer. Be prepared for another How To Fly soon, and then no posts for a little while (I can't bring the Canon with me). Enjoy your summer wherever you are/are going, and I will talk to you soon!

xoxo, G.

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