Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Contemplation on Trends

In my opinion, trends can be extremely pointless. I don't think that we should be relying upon fashion mags and celebs to dictate what we consider our 'personal style'. It's ironic, really. These days, 'personal' style, means taking outfits you love from someone else's closet and replicating it on your body. I think there should be some sort of plagiarizing rule for fashion; that you have to add a touch of personal flair in every outfit. It's what I try to do every day.
 Trends can be pointless. But not always. I like to assess trends and pick out the ones that interest me, cultivating, but not dictating my personal fashion sense.  I think that fashion designers/magazines are here to help shape and discover our personal styles, not to be copied. And if you see a trend that you love, GO FOR IT! I'm not saying ignore all trends, but you shouldn't follow ones you don't like, just because others do. 
Ranting aside, I have found three trends that I personally love and want to introduce to you. I also have one trend that I sincerely despise, and hope you steer clear of too. Hopefully this post will help to cultivate (but remember, not dictate) your style!

Trend #1: Two-Tone Lips

From my viewpoint, the most recent lip trends have not been capturing my attention. I prefer to stay away from the fuschia, bright orange, or any other crazy-coloured lip. However, I must admit this two-tone trend has gotten my vote! I love using simple shades that have noticeable differences in colour (but not too drastic of a difference) to individualize this trend.

NYC - sheer red & petal

Trend #2: Overall Shorts

I have completely fallen for these babies. Not kidding, I was in desperate need of a pair of overalls for the longest time. When I finally found them, I wore (wear) them all the time, upwards of 2x a week. They are comfy, casual, and easy to throw on. I particularly enjoy matching them with tank tops. Shorter, flowy cropped tops don't look great (in my opinion) with them, since the top flares out the side of the overalls, and it just does not look flattering. I definitely need to invest in a unique pair soon!


Trend #3: Statement Necklaces

These things are my kryptonite. I have probably bought upwards of fifteen of these, and I am definitely not stopping there. My closet is embracing them wholeheartedly, but my wallet? Not so much. I think I need to start applying for some jobs in order to keep whetting my statement necklace fetish. I am in love with Bauble Bar necklaces (however I have not yet ordered one)! They are unique, bright (that word doesn't often make its way into my closet), and super eye-catching. My second favourite place for statement necklaces is H&M. Theirs are not only super unique and eye-catching (not to mention plentiful and diverse), but they are durable and - get this - cheap! Not a single necklace from there of mine has broken. My Aldo necklaces, often 2x more expensive, have broken more! If you are as in love with statement necklaces as I am, head on over to H&M or BaubleBar for a great impression.

aldo, h&m, garage, local store

The Despised Trend: 'Tumblr' Outfits

Can we please just take a moment to reconsider everything Tumblr in our wardrobe? Yes, all those Brandy Melville crop tops, skirts, and shorts, the piled on makeup that turns you into a different person, the exposed belly buttons (and belly button rings) and bottoms, and the distressed light wash, highwaisted shorts. Are they really a true reflection of your style?
It seems like every single teenage girl nowadays is striving to become the 'Brandy Babe', buying clothes that turn you into something I instead like to call the 'Brandy Barbie'. Seriously, I hate it when people wear exact replicas of what you can find on jgaltusa's or brandymelvilleusa's insta. Even worse is when people praise them - "OMG! You look just like a Brandy Babe!" or "I love your outfit! How did you get so Tumblr??". People, you are praising someone for duplicating an outfit and putting it on their body. Honestly, can we please begin praising those who take the time to find their personal style, scour stores for what they feel matches their personality and style, and show it off with pride? Instead, we are living in a society where looking the exact same as everyone else makes you 'cool' or whatever. Self-consciousness begins with wanting to look like everyone else. But if everyone looks different and owns their OWN style, would self-consciousness even exist? 
If there is one thing I want you to take away from this rant, it's that you need to be yourself. If everyone was themselves, this whole dilemma would most likely be nonexistent.

So, negativity and opinions aside, I hope that you can take away at least a little from this post. Because if you can realize just how important being yourself is and put it into action, it can honestly help others in ways that nothing else can. 

P.S. I am not saying that you should refrain against buying from the tumblr girl shops. These shops provide great basics for you to base your outfits upon (I have a striped dress from Brandy Melville that I love). But don't just rely on one shop to dictate your personal style. Personal style comes from a collection of clothing that you build up from different shops, in my opinion.

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